What Does Photography means to you? by Ah Chai.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009 | |

What does Photography means to you?

What it means to me is that… (1.) I’m Still Alive and still able to think “straight” (2.) It gives me the options on how/what to think. That is, before and after an “event” rather then to think what “people want”.

It’s about all the things that happened in my life, which makes my style of photography inconsistent and slowly evolve thru the years.

Can we recognize a good subject? composition?..etc. Certainly is about the development on how you “SEE”, it’s good to practice to “SEE” even without a camera in hand. But how about other people (that is not into Photography)? that so-called “ungifted eyes” but have the heart in Photography?

The important Question here… Do they willing to accept Photography as what it means to you?

- Charles William Gedius


Charles William Gedius said...

sia rasa mcm telampau pindik pula ni tau... hahahh

anyway... there is still continuation on this, but again mcm juga Photography, kalau semua point-point kana kasi explain in detail...then kurang lah the excitment(sebab kita sudah tau semua style/techique). :P

mesti juga ada rahsia-rahsia terpendam bah!

and to Thx KK88!